Who the heck was Addison Gardiner? In a random sampling of 10 residents in and around the hamlet of Gardiner recently, one person said he had heard of him, another knew that he was a New York State elected official and lawyer, and the other eight people had no idea.

Dance classes and more are up and running at Gardiner’s new bellydance, photography and recording studio.

For some, there is something inherently romantic about a barn, especially one that has weathered the storms of life and still stands strong to tell of it.

There are some recent changes to the School Tax Relief (STAR) program that might be of interest, and you might qualify for some exemptions other than Basic STAR that will require an application.

A summary of recent issues regarding local wetlands, New York’s Green New Deal, New York’s Plastic Bag Ban and the Natural Resource Inventory.

The Wines of Long Island is about wine. What made it hold my attention, was its many small epiphanies on a much broader plane.

It was brought to our attention that the article Progress on Tillson Lake in the Summer issue of 2019 may have presented only one facet of a multi-faceted issue.

Dawn Foti-Correa has been cutting hair in various locations in Gardiner since 1989, and probably knows most of the men in town who need a haircut.

For 21 years the Bruynswyck Inn, on Bruynswick Road, has been an oasis for those living in the southwest corner of Gardiner.

The story is simple yet inspiring, and especially suited for young children. The main plot is not overly complicated and it’s a story we can all relate to.

Greetings from the Gardiner Day Committee! We hope you’ll mark your calendars for these 2020 Gardiner Day events.

Gardiner’s 2019 local election was unusual in that, at town level, all candidates ran unopposed.

The word is out that members of the Millenial generation are revitalizing small towns around the country. It may well be time for this generation to bring Gardiner to life by taking over the Village Market.