Hello! I am your new Recycling Coordinator, filling a position created by your Town Board to fulfill the changing needs of a growing community. My responsibilities are many. Foremost, it is my job to be sure the transfer station is in compliance with all county and state regulations regarding waste management. Although the landfill has been monitored regularly since its closing nearly two decades ago, there are other regulations, such as flow control of recyclables and municipal solid waste, special handling of hazardous waste and state-mandated recycling of electronic waste.
Making the transfer station fiscally sound is another high priority. I am working with the Board to update the rate schedule to keep up with increasing operating costs, such as fuel surcharges and current trends in the recyclables markets. Painting lane lines, walkways and traffic flow directions will increase safety and efficiency, while updating signage will improve sorting practices and overall operations.
I hope to designate special days for seniors, with volunteers making it unnecessary to even leave your car, and special family days where young kids can get excited about sorting waste! Look for expanded Wednesday evening hours this spring, permits for non-residents and single-day passes for infrequent users. (“Old-Timers” remember to renew your permits by June 1st.)
One goal is to make the station a one-stop shop: in addition to the mandatory recyclables, the list of items accepted for environmentally-responsible disposal and/or recycling could include items such as cell phones, clothing, eye glasses, medications, bedding, cleaning products, thermometers, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, light bulbs and batteries, to name a few. I’ve also begun rescuing things for a reuse shop and eventual “upcycling” projects. Someday, perhaps with grant funding and volunteer help, a larger structure could be built to house reusable materials and a workshop for furniture refinishing and repair. I would like to streamline the exchange of materials (á la “freecycle.org”), matching those looking for something with those trying to get rid of something (I’ve had requests for egg cartons from local chicken farmers and for bubble wrap for shipping artwork from artists).
Be on the lookout for increased communication in The Gazette, on the town web site, Facebook page, bulletin boards, and at local events. If you have a question (“Why do we have to take the lids off? How do I recycle my broken gas grill?”), just ask! If I don’t know, I’ll research it and call or email you. If you have any suggestions (e.g,, a food waste compost pile? A co-op garden? Windmills on the landfill?), please share them with me or your Town Board.
So, visit me on Steve’s Lane and see how quickly a town of 5,600 can accumulate junk—and how responsible and conscientious citizens dispose of it properly. I’m looking forward to learning to greet each of you by name! To volunteer, contact me at 255-9775, or recycling.tog@gmail.com.
Hours: Tues., 8:00–3:45; Wed, 12:00–6:00; Thurs-Sat, 8:00–3:45; Sun. & Mon. Closed.