An Anniversary Reaffirmation And A New Website
By The Gazette Editorial Committee
From Issue 13: Winter 2012
This issue marks the third anniversary of The Gardiner Gazette and, no, we didn’t think we’d get this far either. We’ve just come across the statement we printed in the first issue, in January of 2009, and were surprised at how “right” it still sounds. Here it is again:
“The Gardiner Gazette was born out of a conversation about our future, and a realization that each of us has a unique responsibility to meet the challenges ahead. If change is coming, what do we want it to look like, and how do we shape it? We have no answer, but feel that the kernel of an answer lies in coming together as a community in these tough times. None of us has been immune to the troubles on Wall Street—no matter how far away that world seems. It is a problem that has felt utterly out of our control, and yet it affects us at the core of our goals and dreams. Many of the articles in this issue focus on the resources that we have available to us locally: they can help us and those around us. We hope that future issues will provide a space in which we can sustain a dialogue about strengthening our community, developing community programs, and caring for and helping those who live around us. If you would like to contribute an article or suggestion for that future dialogue, please contact us.”
So, as it enters its fourth year, The Gazette has launched a new and improved website … It was designed by SUNY New Paltz graphics major graduate Kristen Bruno. Besides being able to view the current issue as well as all past issues, advertisers can now find the media kit on the site, readers can sign up for digital subscriptions and supporters can donate using PayPal.
The web address will be on the masthead of all future issues. Even if you have no interest in reading digital material, please just take a peak. We look GREAT in living color! So great that you might want to trade in that black and white copy you get in your mailbox for this enhanced version.
In parting, we’d like to thank our readers and advertisers for their input and suport. We’ve still got a lot to learn (for example, the mission statement above is minus the typos that existed the first time around …) but we look forward to continuing to bring you news of Gardiner!