It finally happened. The president of the United States has given “green energy” the priority that it deserves. Cash and legislation from Washington are already starting to get the big stuff moving: investments in R&D, tax credits, green and sustainable energy job training. A game changer to be sure, but it won’t succeed without strong grassroots efforts in all the towns and cities across America. A group of us in Gardiner has already started working on this issue as part of the Ulster County Progressive Coalition, itself an outgrowth of the campaign to elect Barack Obama president.
We are looking for folks who would like to participate in our Energy Task Force. We have met once a month since March and have developed an action plan which we will implement over the next 6-9 months. Our goal is to work with government, businesses and residents to help transform energy use in our community. Projects include how-to workshops, connecting people with sustainable energy funding and grants, and educating and inspiring the public. All levels of experience welcome; ditto skills. Please join us in being part of something that will truly improve the lives of generations to come—and help to give the earth’s carbon dioxide choked atmosphere a little breathing room.
Those interested in joining this committee please contact me at (845) 417-8034 or