The Office of the Town Clerk is historic in its traditions. This office has served as a direct link between the residents of a town and the local government for so long that chapter 19, verse 35 of the bible reads, in part, “…and when the Town Clerk has appeased the people…” I have been working on this since being elected to the position in 1995. When most people think of a Town Clerk they think of various types of licenses, but after 14 years of service it is clear to me that a Town Clerk is also a public relations officer. As such, it is important to me to convey a friendly and open impression of our community to residents and non-residents alike.
My specific duties can be quickly summed up by saying that I am the “keeper of information and the finder of facts.” What that means to you is that if there is anything you want or need to know about the Town of Gardiner you would probably start by asking me. I am the recording secretary to the Town Board and take great pride in creating a legal and historic accounting of decisions made by the town. Someday, in a “100 Years Ago” article, residents will get a feel for what our town was like from these records. In the shorter term, I can provide you with the minutes of any and all Town Board meetings. I am responsible for the careful maintenance of town records such as adopted local laws, oaths of office, resignations, petitions, proof of publications, annual budgets, zoning laws and so on, and am also the overseer of the Freedom of Information Law, guaranteeing your right to know. Then, of course, there are those licenses—including marriage, dog, hunting & fishing, games of chance, bingo and handicapped permits.