Sidewalks: As should be evident by the time you read this, after many delays the sidewalks are actually under construction. At the Town Board meeting on April 9th our own Paul Colucci of P.E.Colucci Excavation was awarded the contract to build the sidewalks. This is great news because Mr. Colucci is very knowledgeable about the layout and problems of Main Street excavation, and will use this knowledge to insure a good and thorough job. Initially scheduled to be built in two phases, this contract now includes both phases and will run from Town Hall all the way to the Rail Trail
A public information meeting was held on April 24th to share plans and questions as well as construction scheduling and how this will impact business on Main Street.
Cell Tower: The Article 78 against the construction of a cell tower in Moran Field adjacent to the Town Hall was dropped as a result of the withdrawal of the application for that location. Wireless Edge and the Town are in the process of determining what, if any, existing contractual responsibilities remain between them.
Different sites are being explored, including the highway garage on South Mountain Road. A committee of town board members has been established to search for alternate sites and determine the next step.
Old Library Building: A resolution was passed by the Town Board to put the Old Library building up for sale. Controversy remains over whether the building is an historic site worthy of preservation, or whether it is just an old building that no longer serves a purpose for the town.
The Hess Farm: As this publication goes to print, the Town of Gardiner and the Open Space Institute have announced that the fund is only $5,000 away from the dream of preserving the Hess Farm, a 74-acre working farm on Sand Hill Road that has been in operation since the Civil War. Those involved are confident that the goal will be met. This preservation of open space is the culmination of many hours of hard work by the Open Space Committee and many town residents on behalf of all the residents of Gardiner.