We all love movies where the story revolves around the “Big Game”, the “Big Race” or the “Big Save”, where against all odds the good guys prevail, don’t we? When the hero falls down in the middle of the race and then valiantly gets up to win anyway, we cheer in our hearts, don’t we? And who would have thought anyone would cheer at seeing Frankenstein’s monster re-animated? But when, upon seeing the monster move, Dr Frankenstein yells out, “IT’s ALIVE!!!” we’re thrilled for him, aren’t we? Well, we are experiencing just such a moment: No one would have bet on the Gardiner Gazette surviving after losing its founder and managing editor, Carol O’Biso. We made a plea in our last issue for help and trusted the Universe would provide, and we are happy to announce that in the nick of time, new blood has been pumped into the editorial committee of the Gardiner Gazette, and we are, in fact ALIVE! Skilled, highly motivated and community-minded volunteers came forward. We are so excited to be able to continue Carol’s legacy and creation. In the first 48 issues of Gardiner Gazette she developed a community-supportive newspaper with content that unified and represented us; it has been to our mind, the very heart of our fair town. We welcome like-minded individuals to join us in our endeavor to not only keep the Gardiner Gazette alive but to help it thrive by volunteering to assist us in this new chapter. For more information, contact gardinergazetteny@gmail.com.