Did you know that we have a serious problem of inactivity in our culture and it is literally killing us?
There is much to admire at Ron Schaefer’s gallery in Tuthilltown: finely-painted landscapes, fiery industrial scenes and classic still lifes.
Recently I sat down with Roberta Schwarz and Donna Petereit to discuss their recent business venture: wine jelly.
My mission—if I chose to accept it—was to find out how a Gardiner resident gets a blind driveway, deaf child, school bus stop, or other caution sign placed on a local road.
Ten years ago, in the winter of 2009, The Gardiner Gazette published its first issue.
While property owners often wish to remove all rough shrubbery, view-blocking trees, dead limbs, logs, and wet moss and dirt, it is actually these types of substances that feed a healthy ecology and what makes Gardiner naturally beautiful.
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