Climate Smart
The Gardiner Repair Café held its first event since COVID in August and it was a great success! We also partnered with Ulster County officials to showcase “green” vendors/educators at the Ulster County Fair. We continue to work on LED Streetlight conversion options, Community Choice Aggregation, Community GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Inventory, and a solar array at the Gardiner Landfill. Climate Smart Gardiner is part of the Climate Smart Communities Program, a New York State initiative to help local communities reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and prepare for the impacts of climate change. Gardiner is now a Bronze-level Climate Smart Community governor.ny.gov/news/governor-hochul-announces-11-new-certified-climate-smart-communities To learn more, join our virtual monthly meeting through links on the Town of Gardiner website or our Facebook page, facebook.com/climatesmartgardiner
Environmental Conservation Commission (ECC)
The ECC provided recommendations on a recent development proposal in SP2 of the Shawangunk Ridge Protection District (SP). It has also pushed for more oversight on unlicensed commercial activity and unpermitted building in SP zones. Current projects include developing a Water Protection Law for our drinking water and aquifers. An Education & Outreach presentation about Invasive Species will be held on Thursday, November 4 at 7:00 PM in The Community Room at the Gardiner Library. Remote attendance will be available via Zoom. Michael Nelson, UMass Amherst, will share research about invasive plant species introduced through retail purchases and will provide native species alternatives that enhance our regional ecology in yards and gardens.
Gardiner Library
The Gardiner Library is excited to announce the addition of two new streaming resources – HOOPLA and Craftsy. HOOPLA provides hundreds of thousands of movies, music, audiobooks, eBooks, comics and TV shows to enjoy on your computer, tablet, phone, and even your TV! Titles can be streamed immediately, or downloaded for offline enjoyment later. Craftsy offers over 1300 hours of crafting videos, tutorials, and additional resources for creative makers and can be used on your portable device. Get more information at our new website gardinerlibrary.org under the tab “Download & Stream” and while there browse through all the other great services and resources your library offers!
New Reading Group at the Gardiner Library: Blue Marble Reads
Starting on October 14 and meeting bi-monthly on the second Thursday, this group explores the relationship that humans have with the Blue Marble, aka our planet Earth. October’s selection, Reading the Rocks: An Autobiography of the Earth by Fulbright scholar Marcia Bjornerud, describes the system of checks and balances that our planet has deployed to sustain itself and scales the impact of human activity. A Geologic Tour of Sam’s Point on October 29 will demonstrate concepts in her book. Copies and information available at Gardiner Library.
Open Space Commission (OSC)
The Town of Gardiner and its OSC have launched a land preservation program, in which the Town will acquire conservation easements for open space purposes. In some cases, the Town will consider offers of land donations for open space or preservation purposes.
All landowners in Gardiner with undeveloped land, which the landowner believes is worthy of preservation, are welcome to apply. An application is available on the Town’s website townofgardiner.org/open-space-commission. Applications will be reviewed by the OSC and properties will be evaluated based on certain attributes, including: biological diversity, water resources, scenic views, opportunities for recreational or public access, community support, and funding availability or landowner’s willingness to make a donation. A separate category will be available for working farms.
Although the Town encourages donations, in some cases funding might be available through grants or interested land preservation organizations who choose to partner with the Town on a particular project. Please contact GardinerOpenSpace@gmail.com for more information.
Parks & Recreation
We are pleased to report that Gardiner Parks & Recreation Committee recently received Town Board approval to proceed with initial construction of Riverbend Trails at Gardiner Park. The singletrack biking and hiking trails will be located on 87 acres of Town-owned land at the end of Steve’s Lane. To learn more about this exciting addition to Gardiner’s Parks system, please visit the Parks & Recreation page on the Town website, and sign up to volunteer at GardinerTrailAlliance.org.
Gardiner Parks & Recreation will also be hosting a Family Movie Night at Majestic Park, on Saturday, October 23 at 5:45pm. Bring a blanket to sit on and cozy up under the stars!
Planning Board
Applications that the Board is currently reviewing include such projects as; the Lazy River Resort (site plan), Kimlin Propane (site plan amendment), the expansion/renovation of the Gardiner Animal Hospital and a number of minor land subdivisions. townofgardiner.org/planning-board-agenda
Update from Marybeth Majestic, Town Supervisor
Current Committee, Commission and Board Vacancies:
Assessment Review Board, Parks & Recreation, and Zoning Board of Appeals.
Employment Vacancy as of January 1st:
Part-Time Building Inspector.
Upcoming Town Board Public Hearings:
2022 Budget, STR Law, Kennel Law, and Update to the 2004 Comprehensive Plan, agendas with Public Hearings listed, are posted on the Town website Fridays prior to the meeting.
Town Board Meetings are the 1st and 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7pm, with the exception of Election Day when the meeting will be held the 1st Thursday of the month.
If you are looking for an update on a town topic, or you would like to bring something to my attention; please feel free to call me at 845-255-9675 x101, I welcome and value your input.