Gardiner’s Mark Rosen can play over 70 hit songs he owns sung in foreign languages by the original artists.
Today’s welfare system—whichever side of the debate you are on—is our version of what the poorhouse was then.
Have you been wakened during the night by the yips and howls of a band of coyotes?
A mile and a half south of Ireland Corners, just off of Route 208 in the town of Gardiner, the Catskill and Delaware Aqueducts cross each other.
About 1890, one of two Dusinberre brothers built a home at 22 Dusinberre Road, complete with a small carriage house and, next to that, an outhouse.
STS in Gardiner is run by an Assistant Manager and (since last June) a new Manager, Bernie Obry, a lifelong Gardiner resident who is delighted to be providing quality service for his neighbors and people he has known for years.
Greg Raymond grew up in Gardiner under the looming rock face of the Gunks and, as he puts it, “I never yearned for a life beyond the beauty of my own home in Gardiner surrounded by woods and steeped with mountains.”
If you have a garden and a library you have everything you need …
We have more events in the planning stages, so stay tuned for updates and additions to this list.
Maureen Gallagher, Gardiner Tax Assessor, explained, “Many Gardiner home owners are eligible for exemptions on a portion of the real property taxes on their primary residence if they meet the following requirements and file for exemptions on or before March 1, 2015.”