Walkway Over The Hudson Plans Opening Events
A Gardiner multi-media artist, who goes by the single name Meadow, has been selected by the Walkway over the Hudson Committee as the Artist in Residence to represent the Town of Gardiner and the Town of Pine Bush/Ulster in “Walking On Air,” the opening ceremonies of the Walkway Over the Hudson. The ceremony, marking the 400th Anniversary of Henry Hudson’s voyage of exploration, will take place on October 3, 2009. Meadow and 48 other artists representing 50 towns, cities, hamlets and villages in Dutchess and Ulster counties, will join the procession across the walkway with hundreds of people carrying banners and flags.
There are opportunities for participation in this exciting regional event. Creative people with community spirit are needed to produce 25 flags representing the Towns of Gardiner and Pine Bush. Meadow will conduct a flag-making workshop on Sunday, August 2, at Woodrock Studios in Pine Bush, and one of the flags will later be chosen to be sewn into a Commemorative Quilt for permanent display in the Walkway Visitor’s Center.
Also needed are 25 people from each town to carry the flags in the procession on October 3rd. Organizers are hoping that volunteers—who, although the walkway is very safe, should not be afraid of heights—will include a sizable representation from each town’s Town Council and committees as well as other officials. Contact Meadow at (845) 744-4847 or
woodrockstudios@yahoo.com for more information.