Saving the Shawangunks, written by Gardiner’s former Town Historian, Carleton Mabee, was released posthumously in October of this year.
Two marvelous programs just for seniors are the New Paltz-Gardiner Senior Citizens Club and the Lifetime Learning Institute at SUNY New Paltz.
Elsie’s Place is indeed a surprise find.
Ashley Sapir Lathrop, who has has lived in Gardiner for 12 years, started her business, Dreamkeeper Botanicals, about four years ago.
Almost everyone has seen the Best of Hudson Valley® logo proudly displayed in local businesses.
Election day is Tuesday, November 7th, 2017. We urge every resident to register and vote.
As we enter this election season it might be a good time for a brief overview of our town government and its boards, departments, and committees.
This place we call home is chock-full of local businesses that create products with love—and your children—in mind.
A small army of ordinary citizens who want to help clean up their river has stepped up to assist.
Everyone who does enter the bank is offered a changing reminder that creativity is alive and well in Gardiner.