There is much to admire at Ron Schaefer’s gallery in Tuthilltown: finely-painted landscapes, fiery industrial scenes and classic still lifes.
Recently I sat down with Roberta Schwarz and Donna Petereit to discuss their recent business venture: wine jelly.
My mission—if I chose to accept it—was to find out how a Gardiner resident gets a blind driveway, deaf child, school bus stop, or other caution sign placed on a local road.
Ten years ago, in the winter of 2009, The Gardiner Gazette published its first issue.
While property owners often wish to remove all rough shrubbery, view-blocking trees, dead limbs, logs, and wet moss and dirt, it is actually these types of substances that feed a healthy ecology and what makes Gardiner naturally beautiful.
Gardiner Day was billed as a “Block Party,” with the change in venue injecting it with an amazing amount of new energy.
Long-time Gardiner resident and local artist Keith Buesing recently organized a community “float in” which attracted over 100 participants.
Once one of four dairy farms on Phillies Bridge Road alone, by the mid 1980s the Decker farm was one of the last large-scale dairy operations in Gardiner.
Every year it seems that there is more road kill in Gardiner.
Robibero Family Vineyards and its wines have arrived, and the results are impressive.