Who wouldn’t love a robotic vacuum cleaner that would remove ticks from the lawn? An organic Roomba! Apparently, that is just what Guinea fowl are touted to be.
Barbara Sides combined a supreme calm with extreme passionate for whatever she did, and the Gazette benefitted from both those qualities.
This pizza, unbelievably, is excellent, a very European pizza with a thin crust that manages to achieve the holy grail of pizza crusts.
In talking with neighbors and friends over the years there seemed to be a lot of confusion about the New York State burn ban that is in effect every year.
Many non-profit organizations stage annual fund raising drives, and this is not so different; we aim to raise funds by lowering costs.
In honor of Spring: three luscious local ice creams reviewed here.
The Side Shack is the brain child of Brookside’s owners, Sharon and Drew Sycoff, and soon after Sharon started handing me tastes I realized I wouldn’t be able to pick just one “bite” to write about.
Until recently, environmentally conscious individuals could have a zero net energy home custom-designed and built. Now, New Paltz is joining a small group of progressive centers building entire zero net energy communities.
A one-quart container of kale salad at the Village Market (approximately four servings as a side dish) costs around $5 or $6. Give it a try!
I’m still figuring out what works and what doesn’t with gardening, but leaf mulch? It’s nature’s perfect answer; a keeper.