Pay a visit to the Hudson Valley Wine Market in Gardiner.
The site is expected to be up and running by the time this Gazette goes to press.
If you (or your kids) have the capacity to consume scary quantities of food, the solution can be found at Pasta Night at Pasquale’s Pizzeria in Gardiner every Tuesday.
Anyone lucky enough to have more leaf mulch than they were able to use last season (Leaf Mulch: A Perfect Answer, Fall 2013) is in for a treat; the remains of mine have now broken down further and become a truly excellent substitute for peat moss.
Excellent house-made pasta can be found at Lombardi’s.
If I can get past the (extraordinary) steaks, which is very hard to do, I’ve discovered that Tuthillhouse Restaurant is that illusive place that will not give you a dirty look if you show up and just want coffee and dessert.
On Saturday, May 9th, in its fourth annual “Sweep,” New York’s clean water advocate Riverkeeper will, no doubt, remove thousands of pounds of debris from the Hudson River and some of its tributaries; last year 1,900 volunteers working in 82 locations gathered 31 tons of debris. Due to the efforts of local man Arthur Cemelli, the Wallkill River will be added to the list of locations this year.
The renovation of the building that began its life as McKinstry’s store brought to mind the old adage about the farmer who’d had the same ax for 40 years.
What there is to say about the Reuben strudel appetizer at the Brauhaus is that it could not be improved upon in any way.
Having lived for 11 years in New Zealand, it was thrilling to see Full Moon Farm’s truck rumble past one day with four avid sheep dogs in the back. It was like being transported back to that British-occupied, sheep farming Mecca of the known galaxy a few (thousand) miles south of here.