The property was acquired by the Town in July 2009 for $12,196.
Contribute whatever you can, but as much as you can.
Yard Owl Craft Brewery opened its enlarged brewery and tasting room last December at 19 Osprey Lane, off Steve’s Lane in Gardiner. Spring makes this spot an even more attractive stop off; to make the most of good weather, tables are set out back where customers can relax, enjoy a brew and something to eat.
Guy Wright is a twenty-three year veteran Air Force Master Sergeant, now retired, formerly a loadmaster for C141 cargo jets.
An (almost) 70 year Gardiner resident recalls the trip that brought her here.
Dick Decker had it set up so he could move the cows into the milking parlor, milk them, and move them out again without help.
Once one of four dairy farms on Phillies Bridge Road alone, by the mid 1980s the Decker farm was one of the last large-scale dairy operations in Gardiner.
As spring approaches the box turtles will begin to stir from their winter habitats.
Gardiner’s firefighters and rescue squad are all highly trained professionals; they’re also unpaid volunteers.
Often, at the store are customers who could find their needs someplace nearer their homes. Instead, they come to Ireland Corners.