With the blessed arrival of spring, did you take the time to pick up the debris along the road in front of your property?
With the blessed arrival of spring, did you take the time to pick up the debris along the road in front of your property?
Americans are all tree-huggers at heart, and no one loves trees more than a forester, of which I am a retired one.
Gardiner is well populated with hardwood trees, which contain lots of densely packed cellulose and provide the best firewood.
Planted any daffodils lately? If not, why not? They do very well in Gardiner, and are a sure sign that warmer days are on the way.
Young trees do better when a few easy steps are taken to protect them from freezing temperatures, hungry rodents, and winter conditions.
Each year, you may expect avian delivery of poison ivy seeds, so ever-vigilance is the watchword.
In spite of the high concentration of farms in Gardiner, on-site sawmill services are a great resource that few people know about. A number of them can be found in the Hudson Valley.
The White Flowering Dogwood is considered to be the best ornamental of all trees.